Tuesday 30 October 2012

Truth About Cellulite Review

Difficult path to beauty Any woman, looked at in a mirror the skin on the buttocks and thighs to clearly show through mounds of fat, knows what is cellulite and what is found at the signs. Through the efforts of the media about the "orange peel" today even know the man. And very meticulously considered young ladies for their having such. However, cellulite is tricky because, hiding under the guise of a purely cosmetic problem, carries the risk of serious medical conditions, because it is based on a hormonal imbalance, which in turn leads to edema, disruption of lymphatic flow and blood circulation, tissue degeneration.
So cellulitis - a graphic illustration of the thesis that the sick body beautiful does not happen. So, for whatever motivation you might take for his treatment, each successful step will be a contribution to the preservation and health and beauty. WHEN CELLULITE becomes a problem Cosmetologists are three stages of cellulite. The first can be considered normal. If, zaschipnuv skin in the thigh, you see the bumps, you have the first stage. This cellulite easily be corrected. In the second stage of "orange peel" is pronounced, there may be vascular mesh. The skin becomes loose, fluid accumulates in the fat cells and squeezes the veins. Fat compacted. The third stage is determined by the fact that the affected skin is cool to the touch and is responding to the tweaks ==>Find More Information About Cellulite

At this stage already formed connective tissue between muscle and skin - this is difficult to treat cellulite. Here "orange peel" ceases to be purely an aesthetic problem, it causes pain and may cause internal disorders of the body. You can not change their female physiology and beat cellulite once and for all. But, with due attention to problem areas can look decent. Of course, the third stage is almost impossible to cure, so take care not to run your body to such an extent. The most important thing - love it, care for it, and remember: the fight against Truth About Cellulite Review - a complex problem. We'll have to lean on simulators or do regular exercises to domestic mirror. Massage, which, we note that, to be a little like a nice, relaxing event - also an integral part of the anti-cellulite strategy. But if you do it right, the results - more smooth and elastic skin plus the total weight loss - there will be a month and a half. Ration Eat right! It sounds corny, but first and foremost a means of struggle - a healthy menu. Friends of cellulite - fried foods, fatty meats, poultry with skin, pickles, refined carbohydrates, sweet pastries, cakes with cream. If you have a genetic predisposition to cellulite, from all of the above should be abandoned altogether. Also avoid food with artificial additives: dyes, flavors and taste imitators. Reduce your consumption of high-fat dairy products.

Prevent the development of cellulite will love raw vegetables (especially lettuce and cabbage), vegetable greens, legumes, fruits, whole grain bread, cereal on the water, fish, seafood, and vegetable oils. Try not to drink alcohol, coffee, and soft drinks. Drink water and juices! Water - the easiest way to clean the body of toxins, drink it as much as possible. Also recommended dry wines (especially red and pink) in small amounts (150 grams per day). Nice and helpful freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices and herbal teas (you can sweeten them with a spoon of honey). Carrot, beet, cucumber, apple, cabbage, orange juice and celery juice actively fight cellulite. LIFESTYLE Avoid smoking! First, nicotine destroys vitamin C, which affects the skin and connective tissues. Secondly, the body is poisoned by harmful substances, the skin and mucous membranes. Third, nicotine interferes with proper blood circulation, which affects the metabolism at the cellular level. Do not sit still! Avoid wearing tight clothing and shoes with high heels - it violates the peripheral circulation. Physical inactivity - also a good friend of cellulite: it first appears where impaired blood circulation and lymph flow due to inactivity of the muscles. In intensive muscle blood and lymph not stagnate, so it's important to make time for daily exercise. Very bad for a long time to be in the same position, especially when standing. If you have a sedentary job, try to at least change the position of the legs and steal two or three exercises that improve blood and lymph circulation. No less useful daily douches with body rub with a brush, stiff mitt or sponge. If a shower is not available for some reason, rub the body with a dry brush or sponge: it also has a positive effect on blood flow. Regularly visit the sauna or steam bath. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Keep VOLTAGE At his desk in the office, on the couch at home, doing make-up in front of a mirror or in a car - anywhere you can do isometric exercise: Sit or stand up straight, tightly squeeze the buttocks, Hold this position for a few seconds and release.
 Repeat 5-10 times. And instead of calm and stately walk to the supermarket, take a "foot in the hand" and practice your walking your glutes with every step vigorous straining them in the appropriate leg. The next exercise is perfect for a small morning exercise. Lying on his stomach on the floor, at the same time raise the right arm and left leg. Then the left hand and right leg. Make sure that your back is not much sag and abdominal muscles were tense. Repeat 3 times. EXPRESS LIFT For this exercise, you have to lie on your back with your knees bent, and lifting the pelvis and rib cage, to ensure that the thighs, buttocks, back and knees form a single line. Just soak in the moment that position without dropping the chest. As a supplement, you can also pull the foot forward. Repeat 10-20 times. The easiest and yet the most effective strength exercises - simple squat. So-called "door squats" - a slight improvement of the classics: you hold with both hands on the doorknob and slowly arches her back, as if you want to sit on a chair. The upper part of the body in this case remains straight. This exercise trains the gluteal muscles better than regular squats. Just make sure that the door is securely closed, otherwise you run the risk of falling. Running in water This summer entertainment is feasible and at other times of the year. Moreover, it is very useful: the pool for beginners enter the water up to his chest and ... run! Your butt will catch the eyes! Also, this type of race is useful after injury because it does not load on your joints. COSMETICS Cellulite cream As for the various creams, gels and other anti-cellulite cosmetics, it is much better than many people think. Although it periodically exposing all and sundry, experience proves that this is an aid greatly improves the skin and subcutaneous fat. And the result can be seen after two to three weeks after the application. Of course, if you overeat at night and chip all day lying on the sofa, not even the most wonderful cream.

But subject to constant use, coupled with a proper diet and exercise you can expect the effect. By the way, now on sale, and many anti-cellulite products for internal use (tablets, capsules, teas). The most effective combination of: cellulite gym complex + Anti-cellulite creams (scrubs, peels, ryazi) + diet + supplements. With such a massive attack cellulite simply can not back down. Scrubs and peels, removing dead skin cells, promote tissue oxygen saturation, and anti-cellulite creams facilitate drainage of fluid from the fat tissue through lymphatic and improve skin tone. They are applied, spread problem areas, then wrap the body with a special film (a technique of hot and cold packs). 1-1,5 hours film is removed and the remains of the cream (mud) is removed. Mini-dictionary Dermotoniya or vacuum massage - long-known technique of effects on the body with the jars inside which creates a negative pressure. Today, vacuum massage produce comfortable, beautiful sets, Pressure therapy - a type of lymphatic drainage, and one of the most effective treatments for cellulite removal of heavy legs and other unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. It helps to restore and improve lymphatic drainage and venous blood, Microcurrent therapy thin impulsnymtokom impact on the skin. Synonym for "microcurrent therapy" - "neuromuscular electrical stimulation." Microcurrents affect the metabolism of the cells, restoring the cell membrane, increasing the oxygen supply to the tissues, prolonging the life of the cell. The method has been used successfully to restore skin elasticity in the early stages of cellulite and as an additional method in the later stages. Smoothes the skin, improves muscle tone, and allows to saturate the deeper layers of the skin active cosmetics. Ionostimulyatsiya - electric shocks and cosmetic-cal agents on problem areas. Restores skin elasticity and improves the circuit using the latest apparatus ionostimulyatsii can perform drainage, acupressure, to fight stretch marks, cellulite, flabby tissue. Magnetic therapy - the use of the properties of magnetic fields for body shaping and lymphatic drainage. The machine works on the principle vibromagnetizma: magnetic field stimulates cellular metabolism, eliminates swelling, heaviness, pain in the legs. The vibrations of a certain frequency are strictly powerful lymphatic drainage effect, rejuvenate the skin, stimulate collagen and elastin Ultrasonic massage technique effects of ultrasound on the deeper layers of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue, which is due to the "micro-massage" of the cells leads to increased lymph and blood circulation and accelerates the metabolism in tissues.
Loosens the fat, it helps with the fibrous form of cellulite Endermologie (LPG) - most of her time on this machine to speed up metabolism, improve lymph and blood circulation, improve skin tone and muscle. It simulates the shape reduces the volume, contributes to the disappearance of edema, reduction of cellulite and makes the skin supple. Salon treatment Hardware methods A good cellulite treatment does not work with the "orange peel", and with the whole body as a whole, because its goal - to force the body to function in a new and healthy mode, stop the stagnation in the cells, increase metabolism. Therefore, the anti-cellulite treatment is actively used hardware cosmetology, which affects kostnomyshechny frame and subcutaneous fat. Today, with the help of "smart" machines - devices for physical therapy - can be done, if not all, many things: create the perfect contours of the figure, remove cellulite, get rid of wrinkles, age spots, spider veins, scars and body hair. Of course, even the best machine is not able to change the body, its functions, hormones and metabolism. But, at times resorting to the procedures on vehicles, we can achieve significant results. Experts believe that to achieve the desired effect needed a set of procedures: the hardware cosmetology, and hand techniques, and wraps, and physical activity, and a specific diet. Hardware techniques that have been successfully used in cosmetics, a lot. With some we've known for many years, others more recently appeared in the practice of cosmetologists and physiotherapists. Aesthetic Medicine The most radical method of elimination of cellulite - Liposuction (Do-poaspiratsiya). This is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. Injected under the skin of a special hollow needle through which sucked ruined fat. Gained fame for new devices lipoaspiration with two needles, one conducting, which melts the fat, the second this fat sucks. Healing after such surgery is long and painful, but the result is fantastic: body fat disappear. However, with regard to the surgical correction of cellulite, then first we have to think, is it seriously drastic measures are justified? Liposuction is fraught with very unpleasant consequences, and cellulitis in most cases can be successfully treated without it. Sound approach Unfolded in recent campaign against the "orange peel" led to the creation of an entire industry of cellulite and the appearance of new, not always correct treatment techniques. Unfortunately, many women have experienced it myself. The fact that the treatment is important to take into account the physiological and psychophysical features of the patient. The physician should be clear what the physiological load are assigned to them the procedure.

One patient enough massage, and another set of measures needed. Sometimes frivolous purpose "of this and that" leads to irreversible processes in the body. Therefore, do not hesitate to come for treatment, ask the institution's license and proof of medical training. All documents must be issued by government agencies, and treatment - performed by experienced doctors who care for the health of women. Massotherapy Massage - perfect. Cure for cellulite.
 It stimulates the vital functions of the lymphatic system, accelerating the blood circulation, and promotes, the resorption of fat bumps and soften hardened skin suitable for daily massage with a soft bristle brush or a mat, for more intense - simple tumblers with wooden or plastic bumps, and electrical with various tips. Massage of gentle movements from the ankles and gradually moving up: the calves, knees and thighs. To make a push buttocks, massaging them in a circular motion. Affected areas should be massaged in a circular motion stronger and better with anti-cellulite gel or cream. A beneficial effect on the skin has a massage with sea salt and a variety of peeling agents. Just remember that it can not be done more than once a week.
HONEY MASSAGE For him, you need natural honey - lime, floral, buckwheat. To process the thighs and buttocks, you have enough 2 teaspoons. They can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (5 drops of oil to 1 teaspoon of honey) - get honey cellulite massage with elements of aromatherapy. Apply honey on the palm and start patting yourself on the problem areas. After a few minutes the honey is absorbed into the skin and hands will stick to it. Do not stop - on the contrary, gradually increase the force of slaps. And not just lupite himself but for a couple of seconds firmly pressed her hands to the skin, dramatically distract them. With unaccustomed it hurts, but the beauty is known, requires sacrifice.

Besides a few sessions you will get used, and possibly even get the hang of. After 5 to 8-minute massage, take a warm shower and brush your skin with something moisturizing. MASSAGE Spoon U.S. researchers recently reported that silver or cupronickel spoon - the best tool for massage, and relieving of cellulite and wrinkles, and sagging of the skin. Before the procedure, a spoon can be cooled, heated, scented oil or honey. The main thing - it's massage movements. Clockwise - forcefully - against only light stroking. The inner side of the thigh massage requires a bottom-up, and external - on the contrary. If you manage to do this massage vigorously, so that the muscles are properly warmed up, the lifting effect is guaranteed. "Playing on spoons" is recommended as often as possible, it is better every day for 20-30 minutes. And do not forget that the secret of your beauty and elegance - this inexhaustible energy and constant activity!

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