Tuesday 16 October 2012

31 Day Fat Loss Cure Scam - Remove fat from the abdomen to help five products.

 Excess weight in the abdomen and waist is a problem for many women, and besides the fact that it does not look aesthetically pleasing and not too attractive, it can also be a prerequisite for the development of various diseases.

According to the latest data of excess body fat in the abdominal area can become a cause of a number of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and others. To get rid of excess fat in the abdomen and Fat Loss Program

requires a set of measures namely the revision of their diet, which should become more moderate and correct, and include that help reduce weight, increase physical activity, as well as procedures such as a mask for the stomach,

Anti-cellulite bath, house wrap. addition specialists nutrition recommend to include in your diet five products that help remove fat from the abdomen and waist, and even help to strengthen the muscle and skin tightening. burning belly

fat will be more effective if your diet will attend the following products. Yoghurt. Regular consumption of at least three servings of natural live yogurt (not to be confused with cups of yogurt) can help to ensure that the three months

weight may be less by nearly 5 pounds and 60% of this value was losing weight is in the abdomen and waist. Green tea. Catechins, which are part of the green tea, promote more efficient combustion belly fat. In the course of a little

experiment revealed that 6.4 cups of green tea a day to help tea lovers to remove fat from the stomach more quickly than those who did not drink green tea. grapefruit. This healthy fruit is not only a natural fat burner, but also a valuable

source of vitamin C, the lack of which could become an indirect cause of the abdominal muscles and sagging of excess fat in the abdominal area. Almonds. As to how the almonds helps to solve the problem of excess weight in the abdominal area,

a series of studies and experiments that took place in the United States. Studies have shown that almonds can effectively reduce appetite and reduce hunger and people who regularly consumed these nuts in combination with diet and

increased physical activity lose weight  in the abdominal area is 14% more than those who simply dieted and attended gym. Blueberries. This berry has become a sensation, as obtained in the course of a little experiment result can be called simply awesome. An experiment was conducted, which involved two groups of volunteers - the first group just received a

balanced diet and the level of physical activity, and the second group of the same, plus a daily serving of blueberries. When it is time to sum ​​up, it was found that the second group of fat loss in the abdominal region were 30% more than

in the first group. Still want to say a few words about the main enemy of the slender female figure and the perpetrators of that woman's waist is beginning to "grow into" excess fat - this is their bread white flour, different kinds of confectionery products having in its structure a large amount of trans fat, and various kinds of sweets.

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