Tuesday 16 October 2012

Customized Fat Loss Review - and separately about fat loss

Waist where shall we do? Basics of "directional" weight lossWhen your weight is strongly and clearly at odds with the normal, you want to lose weight. Lose all means and in all parts of the body. But the real torture begins later - at age weight close to normal, most ladies begin the real battle

for the perfect figure. In modern standards of beauty did not fit bulging belly and wide hips. Although fat stores in these places women laid by nature: they are required to carry and give birth to healthy children. Consider all possible ways to go against nature and "degrease" female problem areas.

What offer salons and clinics:

The most radical way of getting rid of unwanted body fat. But it has certain disadvantages. Customized Fat First, the method is quite

traumatic, requires general anesthesia and post-operative rehabilitation. Liposuction is contraindicated : general

obesity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, mental disorders, cancer, and pregnancy. Even after surgery, there is a

chance that not all fat cells are removed. After a few years they can grow again, but uneven, bumpy skin will, in

effect, "washboard." Ultrasonic liposuction fat removal with ultrasound machine. In this case, the impact of focused

ultrasound waves on the membrane of fat cells. Then (pay special attention to this) breakdown products of fat removed

from the body through the liver. Advertising promises loss of up to 4 cm of the volume of problem areas in one session.

But one session you will not do, you need a course - is at least 3 sessions with an interval of two weeks. Also there

are contraindications: cancer, diabetes, any disease of the liver, abdominal hernia and skin damage, pregnancy, and age

18 years. Procedure is not possible, if the thickness of subcutaneous fat in the treated area less than 1.5 cm Ozone

so-called "bezhirurgicheskaya liposuction." With the microneedles into the skin injected ozone, which is a powerful

antiseptic and oxidizing agent. Consequently, tissue enriched with oxygen, blood circulation improves and starts

mechanism of lipolysis. Course of 7-10 sessions, conducted through the day. The method is not for everyone, as it has

many contraindications (cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, acute pancreatitis, and other). There are cases of

allergic reactions to ozone. Electromyostimulation electric shocks to the muscle fibers, so-called "charge for the

lazy." Electrical impulse causes the muscles to contract, thereby stimulate the movement of lymph and blood in the area

of exposure. Depending on the pulse distinguished classical, ac-and micro-myostimulation. Classic muscle toning (direct

current) slightly affects the fatty tissues, it only helps you maintain muscle tone. Activate lipolysis help local

ac-muscle toning. Microcurrent stimulation with fast and stable results when lifting medium and small muscles (eg,

breast). elektrolipoliz with an electric current of low frequency fats are split into fatty acids and absorbed by the

body. This treatment does not kill the cells of adipose tissue, ie the results of its completely reversible. After a

while, the original volume to return due to the utilization of fats coming from food. Lipolysis procedure may be

performed with the needle electrodes introduced under the skin, and by means of skin electrodes of different sizes. It

is believed that cutaneous electrodes are less effective impact. One procedure takes about an hour. The course consists

of 15-20 procedures and will take approximately 3 months. massage as an aid in a fierce battle with nature salons offer

us various corrective and anti-cellulite massage (manual, vacuum, cryomassage). Some merit in this event are: mechanical

effect on subcutaneous fat in problem areas to accelerate your metabolism in these places. Consequently, the volumes may

drop slightly. But if your weight is far from the norm, and the figure is complete, the result will be almost invisible.

Massage is contraindicated in thrombosis and various dermatitis. Pressotherapy It kind of manual lymph drainage massage.

The procedure for the correction process is ancillary and necessary for the efficient excretion of the decay products of

adipose tissue. The patient wear a special suit in which the pressure of incoming air. Through alternating vacuum and

compression suit individual segments then compress the patient's body, the "release" it. The whole process is controlled

by a computer. One procedure takes about an hour. Full course of at least 10 procedures. Advertising claims that a

session on the effect of pressure therapy exposure is 20 sessions of manual massage. Contraindications of any problems

with the blood vessels, heart, liver and kidneys. Wraps various "modeling wraps" the withdrawal of excess fluid from the

body, improve the condition of the skin and speed up metabolism. Consequently, the observed effect of weight loss in

problem areas. However, these procedures have contraindications: gynecological and skin diseases, diseases of the

kidneys and liver, cardiovascular insufficiency, varicose veins, pregnancy, allergy to components wraps. On the Internet

you can find recipes on how to conduct wrap at home, but in my opinion, it's too risky, and this procedure is best done

under the supervision of specialists. What can be done at home Samomassazh The simplest form of self-massage - a massage

in the shower. When the body is well warmed with hot water, a good rub problem areas hard sponge or towel. For greater

impact, experts recommend self massage using medical vacuum cans . In pharmacies, you will find many variations of

vacuum cans: complete with electric or mechanical pump that pumps air out of the can, or simple silicone banks (without

pump), in which a vacuum effect is created by the compression of the banks and sucking it to the skin. Samomassazh

vacuum will help banks destroy the fat under the skin sealing layer, improve circulation and speed up metabolism. Most

importantly, the use of vacuum cans do not break down the walls of capillaries. Before the massage skin problem areas to

lubricate massage oil or fat cream. Then press tightly against the bank to the skin to create a vacuum effect and move

on to the bank of the body in a circular motion. First there will be a little painful, even sinyachki may appear, but

eventually it will pass. This massage is best done as a course of treatment - two or three weeks in a row, then rest a

couple of weeks. Please note that there are contraindications! Before you begin the procedure, it is better to consult a
doctor. Banks can not be used in the kidneys, heart, spine, and mammary glands. Miracle patches How often seductive

commercials and banner ads we see patches for weight loss. Advertising promises that need only stick a plaster on the

problem area, and those extra pounds will disappear by themselves. Let's get accustomed! adhesive layer in these patches

contain biologically active substances. When the patch stick to the problem area, these substances are absorbed through

the skin in small amounts and start to act.

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