Tuesday 16 October 2012

31 day fat loss cure scam - and separately about fat loss

Currently, obesity is a very common disease, and many puzzled problem to lose excess weight. And except for those who recognize the obese, there are those that surround and not as thick, but they are concerned about their weight and just

want to reduce it. Therefore, the question of getting rid of unwanted body fat for health and
good looks is very important.
key indicator of obesity is the body weight. Its very easy to measure because household and medical scales for weighing people prevalent and accessible. Of course, the more appropriate indicator is the mass of adipose tissue of man, but it

is very difficult to define. Therefore, the main indicator of obesity was and is the body weight.
these reasons, the fight against obesity turns into a struggle with weight. And this is completely wrong! Loss of body weight is not always the loss of his body fat loss reviewed
If any man says that he dropped, say, 5 kg of weight, does that mean that he got rid of five pounds of fat? Not necessarily. Weight - the total, which is made ​​up of fat mass, skeleton, muscles, internal organs and various body

fluids ... Plus a mass of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, which can vary within wide limits!
Consider this hypothetical situation. On the first day you ate and drank very satisfying and much, so the next day you have a clear aversion to food. Therefore, all of the second day you have nothing to eat or drink. If you have made ​​to weigh in the morning of the second and third day, the difference between them probably would have been considerable - to 3 kg or more. That is a day you would lose unloading, say, 3 kg of weight. And how would you reset during this time of fat?

Not at all! After the first day of gluttony consumed nutrients be enough for the next day and even left, so resort to spending reserves of fat depots are required. Weight loss for the whole day due to the waste discharge of nutrients

acquired from the food eaten on the eve, the evacuation of undigested residues, as well as the loss
of water through sweat, urine and exhaled air. So in this example, the loss of weight - 3 kg, and fat loss - 0 kg.
another example. In hot weather, a person can lose a lot of water afterwards. The water can be lost rapidly and without heat, if you take diuretic medications. In these cases, the loss of water may reach 10 kg, and fat loss, as in the previous example - 0.
Incidentally, this effect is sometimes used to deceive clients some dishonest "dieticians." They can give the guise of

drugs for obesity pill containing diuretics, the patient was satisfied with the rapid discharge of the hated weight.
Often slimming contain laxative ingredients. That's correct, because many people with obesity are constipated. And after using the toilet the weight will naturally decrease. But do not be naive to believe that this weight loss is fat loss.
As we discussed, often weight loss can significantly outperform fat loss. In this case, the question arises: how fast can decrease weight without cheating, by only one fat?
This depends on the diet. The essence of any medical diet for dumping excess fat - to create a negative energy balance, so the body had to spend own fatty resources. Caloric value of one kilogram of fat is well known - 9300 kcal. And what could be a negative energy balance?
By their daily calories all unloading diets can be divided into three groups.
1. The basic diet - is so called because its daily caloric approximately the main exchange person - 1700-2200 kcal. The

amount of negative energy balance on such a diet is about 200-500 calories, so the weight is lost very slowly - about 20-50 grams a
2. Reducing diet. Daily caloric - 1200-1500 kcal, negative power balance - 500-900 kcal, and daily fat loss is of the order of 50-100 g
3. Strict diet. Daily caloric - 400-800 kcal, negative power balance - 1400-1800 kcal daily fat loss may reach 200 This is the result obtained by this work in experiments on itself.
main diet usually do not like because of the very slow loss of excess fat stocks. The rigid diet provides the fastest growing thin, but, as many complain, very painful. Therefore often make a compromise - the reduced diet.
stands apart starvation, in which a person does not receive any nutrients, allowed only water. Due to the fact that it has transferred more easily than a rigid diet, then starvation many adherents. The most well-known books on starvation -

a "Miracle of Fasting" (P. Bragg), "Fasting for Health" (S. Nikolaev), etc. Thus, H. Shelton, in his book "Starvation will save your life," quoted one of his patients: "I visited the widely advertised resort. They kept me on a diet of 700 calories a day, and I always felt hungry. same starvation was for me pleasure!" That is, she argued that the rigid diet is painful, and starvation - no.
In the same work Shelton answers the question, how fast is weight loss at full starvation - about one kg a day. Of course, such rapid weight loss was very fond of his patients. The author of this article is also held fast, and got a

different result - 0,5 kg per day (see article-reports "About 14-day starvation" and "About a 15-day fast".)
But let us ask ourselves - this dramatic weight loss was from fat or not? Of course not! The body starving spends quite

a bit of energy - a maximum of 1800-2000 kcal per day, which corresponds to 200 grams of fat (as at a rigid diet). And the rest of the weight loss is due to expenses other soft tissues. When hunger forced them to dispose of the body to get

glucose from protein. And glucose is necessary for the synthesis of the catalyst for the Krebs cycle (Krebs cycle - the main source of energy in the body). Of fat in the body to produce fuel for the Krebs cycle, but to burn this fuel is needed catalyst (synthesized from glucose), which,
unfortunately, little by little lost, and must be filled.
Thus, fasting - it is also one of the examples where the weight loss more fat loss. So if you spend full starvation, do

not rejoice in rapid weight loss, and remember that the real loss of fat - about 200 grams per day.
Thus, we can now answer the question posed above (with what speed can decrease weight without cheating, by only one fat?), so: a maximum - 200 ga day. If the weight is lost faster, you need to understand, due to which there is a loss.
Resetting the extra weight through dieting situation usually "fair" - weight loss goes on 100% from fat. But even with diets weight can be lost faster than should be expected. In this case, you should not deceive ourselves, and to check

and find out what is going through such a loss of body weight. For example, during growing thin in hot weather some patients may unwittingly limit fluids to more rapid weight loss. Or at the rigid
diet weight loss can sometimes exceed theoretical 200 g, that speaks about "eating" the body of a number of its soft tissues. In this case, you should review the diet to the body enough carbohydrates for the synthesis of the catalyst for the Krebs cycle, and did not need to spend for it's own soft tissue proteins.
Incidentally, the opposite situation is possible - fat loss more than weight loss. It is observed that if an obese

person trying to lose weight with the help of physical education. In this case the body are simultaneously two processes - reducing fat mass and increase muscle mass. As the second part compensates the first the general weight reduction will be less than
expected, and the man in this case is usually dissatisfied with the results.
possible even a situation that will seem incredible - fat is lost, and the mass - grows! This may occur if, after

prolonged fasting person "leaves" very gradually and any time "sits" on the reduced diet with sufficient complete protein. In this case, the body continues to spend your fat for energy at a rate of about 100 g per day. But at the same

recovery process is already underway
, "eaten" during starvation of soft tissue, and may well increase is 200-300 grams per day. That is, body mass will accrue, though fat and continues to be spent.
So, if you decide to lose weight, regardless of the manner and method remember - very often loss of weight does not correspond to fat loss! Therefore, following the trend of the weight, do not be fooled, and monitor the process of losing fat, for example, by kalipermetrii (measure the thickness of skin and fat folds).
Garin Yuri G.

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