Tuesday 16 October 2012

Customized Fat Loss Review - They stimulate metabolism, remove excess fluid from the body and causes

breakdown of fat. One patch should be worn for 30 minutes to days (depending on the manufacturer's recommendations).

Tangible results can be achieved only after passing the full course (usually manufacturers claim one month), from a single application nothing will. patch affects only that area of the body where the pasted. It does not contribute to

the overall process of losing weight. So, you can not use it to burn all waste in the body fat. Therefore, the patch will only be useful as an aid to achieving a certain cosmetic effect. Maximum that can be achieved when using the patch- loss 4-5 kg weight loss. Fat Loss Review And the subject of diet and active exercise. And Slimming patch contraindications exist! Do not use the patches, if there are any diseases associated with metabolism (kidney infection, diabetes mellitus, thyroid

dysfunction), and a tendency to allergic reactions. Creams and gels Cosmetology offers us a wide range of modeling and

anti-cellulite creams and gels. Cellulite creams contain substances that break down body fat, and substances that

strengthen the connective tissue. Therefore, these funds should be applied only to those places where you really have

cellulite (mainly the hips and buttocks). Modeling tools can be applied to the whole body, it improves blood circulation, stimulate metabolism and improve skin condition. The effect of using creams and gels can be obtained only

with regular use, and the effect will be just cosmetic. That is, they should be considered only as a means of support in order to achieve the perfect figure. Basis basis! Any, even the most radical procedure aimed at getting rid of fat will

not help you once and for all. Indeed, in the fat body is constantly coming with food. If the body does not find them or

all of them are not used, these fats are deposited. In women, most often in the stomach, thighs and buttocks. Only a balanced diet and regular physical activity can overcome processes deposition of fat reserves. Therefore there is no

point in any impacts on the problem areas, if you are overeating and little move. Diets To lose weight, you need to change the food system. This axiom, which can not argue. In the case of problem areas the difficulty lies in the fact

that if a person loses weight, the thinner the whole, not the individual parts. And as a rule, weight loss comes from the top down. First, lose weight shoulders, arms, face, and only as a last, especially for women, lose weight thighs, buttocks and stomach. And if you become emaciated, so that the stomach is pulled in and hips decrease, the person is much skukozhilas and visually "grow old." Conclusion: exhausting strict diets and fasting for "killing" problem areas are not suitable. We need to find a very balanced power system , which could stick to for a long time. Ideally - a

lifetime! About the "pendulum effect" will not even make, it all experienced people aware of the problem. Any nutritionist will offer a diet that would work simultaneously on all the problem areas. For each part of the body is

necessary to select a special diet. On the internet you will find a large number of such diets for stomach , chest, shoulders, buttocks and legs. Choose a few. Retell them here just do not have enough space, so we shall only listing the

main methods. For the thighs and buttocks - buckwheat diet for perfect waist - a vegetarian diet or rice, for arm and shoulder area - Kremlin diet with lots of vegetables added to the slender legs - restricted diet of sugar and simple

carbohydrates, but high in protein. Pay attention to the Belgian diet, where the set of permitted and prohibited foods depends on the type figure of a woman. If the forces on a strict diet is not enough, try at least to follow the simple

rules of healthy eating. Discard the fat and fried food. Forget about harmful Snack: wanted to eat - instead eat an apple pie, I wanted to drink - instead of sweet drinks drink green tea. In the main menu, with an emphasis on cereals and vegetables, lean meats and fish. Try to eat often, but in small portions. Sports balanced diet does not solve all the problems with the figure. The most effective way to fat oxidation and breakdown of fatty acids is the muscle work.

Just need to find the right for themselves the level of load. With too short intense exercise - came once a month to the gym and all the trainers try - you will spend a lot of carbohydrates, fats, but does not affect. The load should be moderate, but regular, then the body will use fat as an energy source. Do not believe the myths that the burden on certain muscle groups will align your body. For example, abdominal exercises will make a flat stomach. Body fat did not

change from exercise, they only affect the muscle tissue. But exercise can help you spend more calories, allowing less

stored fat will be deposited in the problem areas. best form any such scheme of sports, in which a combined aerobic and

strength training. For example, in the gym or at home to perform a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles, and on other days jogging, swimming, aerobics or dancing. A set of fat loss exercises aimed at muscle problem areas, you will pick up

easily on the Internet. Running, Cycling training, tennis, dancing and aerobics loaded mainly leg muscles. Therefore, if you have a leg, and so the nature of the overweight, do not get them. The muscles of the load increase and legs will look even bigger in size. Swimming well strengthens the back muscles without strain on the spine, but the load mainly

occurs in the upper half of the body. That is where the muscles can increase in volume, the figure tends to male pattern. For the development of beautiful proportions of the body are best water aerobics and callanetics. Aerobics in the pool does not have an excessive strain on the spine and joints, and the water environment has a light massage effect on the whole body .

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